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Quiz CAPTCHA: Test Your Knowledge!

Welcome to our Quiz CAPTCHA! To prove that you are a human and not a bot, we have prepared a fun quiz for you. Answer these questions correctly to unlock access to the website. Good luck!

Question 1:

Which planet is closest to the Sun?

a) Venus

b) Mercury

c) Mars

d) Earth

Question 2:

What is the chemical symbol for water?

a) H2O

b) CO2

c) O2

d) NaCl

Question 3:

Who wrote the famous play "Romeo and Juliet"?

a) William Shakespeare

b) Jane Austen

c) Mark Twain

d) Charles Dickens

Question 4:

Which famous scientist formulated the theory of relativity?

a) Isaac Newton

b) Albert Einstein

c) Galileo Galilei

d) Marie Curie

Question 5:

What is the capital city of Japan?

a) Beijing

b) Seoul

c) Tokyo

d) Bangkok

Question 6:

Which musical instrument is known as the "King of Instruments"?

a) Violin

b) Piano

c) Flute

d) Trumpet

Question 7:

What is the tallest mammal on Earth?

a) Elephant

b) Giraffe

c) Hippopotamus

d) Polar Bear

Question 8:

Which country is famous for inventing the sport of soccer (football)?

a) Brazil

b) Italy

c) England

d) Germany

Question 9:

What is the chemical symbol for gold?

a) Au

b) Ag

c) Pt

d) Fe

Question 10:

Who painted the Mona Lisa?

a) Vincent van Gogh

b) Pablo Picasso

c) Leonardo da Vinci

d) Claude Monet

Once you've answered all the questions, click on the submit button to see if you passed the Quiz CAPTCHA!